Row #01

Astounding Science Fiction May1951 Galactic Gadgeteers by Harry Stine

Met Life Ad for Engineers, l2-4-66

Woodall Inductries Inc - Advertisment

Boeing employment advertisement catering to wives of engineers.

Nurd with Slide Rule on Hip, National Lampoon-The Gentleman's Bathroom Companion 1975
Row #02

Jarman Shoe ad

"100 Extra Engineers", IBM Slide Rule advertisement, National Geographic (1952)

Slide Rule Cufflinks and Tie Clasp Ad (Popular Mechanics)

Slide Rule watch (1950) (top picture)

CIE Slide Rule Ad
Row #03

Watch In Space! - Breitling Navitimer Chronomat Ad

IBM ad in Foundry Magazine (Nov 1967) showing Georgia Iron Works slide rule in background.

Slide Rule Guitar Frets by Ilya Sivov 2009

Vitro Corporation ad (Fortune Magazine)

Breitling Chronomat Ad (1948)
Row #04

Dave Kenney, the founder of National Lampoon, made a parody of a High Scool Yerbook in 1964, which shows a Slide Rule Club 1964. The class prophecy that Gilbert Scrabbler and Belinda Heinke win the Nobel Prize for "inventing a nuclear-powered car that drives itself where you tell it to..."), [The car is available now].

Calculating by slide rule (EPA 1973) Archive Research Catalog

Math Department Display of instruments issued to cadets at the US Air Force Academy in
Colorado Springs (2009) photo by Fred Malmstrom, NMI Civ USAFA/CWCH

Math Instruments Case Smithsonian

Randolph Community College, Instructor Ronald Biddle, Electrical Maintenance Students (1964)
Row #05

Faber Castell Stamps

Slide Rule Postage Stamps Romania (1957)(reglasdecalculo.com)

Dietzgen Drafting Table with Slide Rule

Slide Rule shown in 1972 Enerjet Rocketry Catalog

Colin Barnes of UKSRC in a 1966 article. (England)
Row #06

MIT Tech Nov 17, 1933 - Walker Slide-Rule Thief Apprehended

MIT Tech Oct 3, 1904 - Get a Slide Rule (ad on left)

McKee Engineering Ad

K&E Building, est1867, 127 Fulton St. Manhattan, NY (1991)

SIC Chemical Engineering ad (Jan 1966)
Row #07

Popular Mechanics Article showing motor driven slide rule. April 1958, page 46

Calumet And Hecla Ad

Allegheny Power Systems Ad

DIWA Raknesticka Electro Ad (contributed by IJ Shuitema)

Ir. IJzebrand Schuitema (one of the world's foremost authorities)
Slide Rule Display in the Netherlands - Dutch KRING
Row #08

Make a Slide Rule Far Out Math

W. Stanley Slide Rule Practice Booklet (1938)

Physics World (Mar 2007)

Big Brain by Harry122

Joe Miner, Official Mascot of University of Missouri-Rolla which is now the
Missouri University of Science and Technology.
Row #09

Raccoon with Slide Rule by Daniel

VanMark Figurine - Masters 0f Learning - Math Teacher with Slide Rule and Calculator

Curso de Regla de Calculo (Class on Slide Rules) ad (1967)(reglasdecalculo.com)

IRS tax form with Slide Rule tag (Spoof) (ISRG)

Container Corp Slide Rule AD (Showing Pickett 600-ES)
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Row #10

Japanese Slide Rule Collector

Caution Sign (translation unknown)

Goodyear Electronic Differential Analyzer advertisement

Partridge SlideRule (1671) Paris Museum Of Arts And Measure

MIT Tech Talk - Deborah Douglas shows slide rules in MIT Museum
Row #11

Nestler 1967 Catalog Cover (Contributed By Jürgen Nestler)

Jürgen Nestler (Great Grandson of Albert Nestler) in German Museum. Jürgen
is an Oughtred Society member.

Nestler Factory (1956) Firmentraktca (founded 1878)

Jürgen Nestler (Great Grandson of Albert Nestler)
in March 2, 2007 Newspaper feature article.

Nestler 1966 School Catalog Cover(Contributed By Jürgen Nestler)
Row #12

2001 LA Times article featuring pictures of Bob Otnes collection with interviews from
collectors Tom Wyman, Eric Mancotte, Craig Watkins, Michael O'Leary, and Berrie Ripin.
Scan by Eric Mancotte

Darwin Slide Rule, a graphic by Larry Stewart.

Shell Oil Campaign Promoting Animals In Research (1945)

1998 Mercury Telecomm Ad

Hallicrafters Ad, American Radio Amateur Handbook (1952)
Row #13

Aristo catalog (1970) Lufthansa

Aristo catalog (1970) Lufthansa

Aristo catalog (1965) "Getting the answer faster"

Aristo catalog (1965) "Getting the answer faster"

Aristo catalog (1965)
Row #14

Fortune Magazine, Northrup Aircraft (9-1955)

Fortune Magazine, United Engineers, Artist:Stanley Meltzoff

Fortune Magazine, United Engineers, Artist:Stanley Meltzoff

K&E Adv in Oct 1953 Penn State Engineer

UK Ministry Of Defence Ad
Row #15

Pooleys Demonstration Flight Computer (still available for £375/$560)

Ross Ensign, British Journal Photographic Almanac (1954)

Saturday Evening Post AE Adv

Saturday Evening Post, Torrington Bearings

Portrait of Joshua Routledge 1773-1829. Painter unknown. Original stored in Bolton Museum Art Gallery Archives..
Row #16

Artillery Slide Rule in the museum on the Battleship USS New Jersey.

Computer History Museum, Mountainview California. Slide Rule Exhibit. Many of these donated by the ISRM.

NY Times (2-4-99) Are You Too Busy Earning Money To Save Some?

Wilcox Ad 1953 p190 Worksop Calculations Tables And Formulae

British Thorton cat 1970
Row #17

Electronic Engineeering 1958 G&E Bradley Ad

Man Cave With Giant K&E Slide Rule Hanging From Ceiling Photo. In picture is also hgh powered rockets, KTM and Suzuki motorcycles, and lots of trophies and plaques. Photo by Mike Konshak.

Savings And Land Bank Ad, Aristo 940 Concrete Slide Rule Shown

Pfaff Ad 1983

A.W. Faber-Castell Ad Your Desk Speaks About You
Row #18

A.W. Faber-Castell Ad, TR1 Electronic Calculator-SR Two Calculators In One Hand

Faber-Castell, 1997 Article: A Slide Rule Was An Everyday Tool

Faber-Castell 1997 graphic

Breitling Aviation Pilot's Watch

Breitling Pilot Watch Ad 2006
Row #19

Resonance Measurement Article, Westermanns Monatshefte, July1969

Aristo Quality Control 1972 Brochure

Werner Rudowski UKSRC, SR Exhibition In Bochum Germany 1991

Werner Rudowski UKSRC, SR Exhibition In Bochum, Germany 1991

Slide Rule Club 1964

Physics Of Blown Sand And Desert Dunes by Ralph A. Bagnold 1941
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Row #20

Measuring Casks - 16th Century Austria, from 1989 Barrel Mensuration And Ullage byRobertENelson

Boethius And Pythagoras, from G. Reish, Margarit Philosophica 1503

Joseph In His Shop, c1425 Early Instrument Maker by Robert Campin

Nevil Shute, Slide Rule An Autobiography Of An Engineer

Winning at Work by Dr. Florence Seaman and Anne Lorimer. Book for women professionals. Contributed By Foo Cheow Ming
Row #21

July 2005 Readers Digest About The Curta by Cliff Stoll

William Oughtred Images

Excise Officer from The Excise Officers And Their Duties by John Pink 2002

Sky And Telescope Magazine Sep 2002 What You Dont Need

Edwin Hugh Lewis (1881-1963). Detail Of Slide Rule From His Grave Slab at Kilmory Knap Cemetary in Arsrishaig, Scotland (GB). Photo by Michael Mooney
Row #22

Der Rechenschieber by H.W. Fricke, L. Lehmann, Helmar Leipzig 1961

Astounding Science Fiction Feb 1959, artist Frank Kelly Freas

Playboy April 1959 Slide Rule Cover Plans For A Wondeful Weekend

Oregon State University (OSU) Engineering Mascot Benny Beaver Slide Rule and T-square Decal (1975)

Slide Rule Tie Bar Ad
Row #23

Sculptor: Death Of The Slide Rule by Werner Rudowski 1989

Statue Of Harold R. Pape, 1903-1975, Moncova, North Mexico, Philanthropist who ran AHMSA

Sir Isaac Newton by Eduardo Paolozzi 1995

Universitat Greifswald architecture

Dino Bencini Figurine Engineer With Slide Rule c1960
Row #24

Buergi Joost (1552-1632) Lichtensteig Switzerland, Invented Logaritms in 1614 at the same time as Napier, who published first.

MIT slide rule sculptor 1990 on campus

Acumath ad c1960's Have Slide Rule Will Travel

Frank Radik and David Trubey the Elyria (Ohio) High School Scholarship Winners 1957. Both study aeronatuical engineering, Frank will go to Ohio State University on an ROTC scholorship.David will attend Perdue on an acedemic scholarship.

University Of Buffalo Slide Rule Exhibit
Row #25

Suwak Logarytmiczny (Logarithmith Slider) Collection Of Wojciech Sawicki, Warsaw Technological University, Poland

Polish Magazine Article on Wojciech Sawicki's Display at Warsaw polytechnic 2005 (PDF)

Popular Mechanics Feb 1948 Cover Pg81 Book Ad The Slide Rule and How to Use It

Hoboken (New Jersey) Historical Museum,
K&E Exhibit Flyer Jan 31 - Dec23, 2010.
Slide rules for the tours are supplied by the ISRM.

USNA Winning The Cold War Mural Academics Panel. Gifted in 1995 from the class of 1955.
Row #26

McCarran Airport Museum, Las Vegas, NV. B-17 Load Adjuster Slide Rule in Display.(Photo By R.Morris)

Dr. Werner Schmidt and Werner Girbart, in Greifswald, Germany,
show their 2009 Oughtred Society Award as printed in the Donerstag Newspaper.

WWII artwork on a Bristol Beaufighter
RAF Squadron 603. From book called "The British Beaufighter -
a comprehensive guide for the modeller" by RA Franks, SAM Publications, Bedford, UK, 2002.
The Latin words INCERTI QUO FATA FERRENT mean "Uncertain what Fate brings".

Mike Konshak shows current and past technology for Louisville Times
(Colorado) article on 10-7-2009 about his 2009 Oughtred Society Award.

Dupont Teflon Ad showing Dietzgen Microglide Slide Rule (c1960)
Row #27

Purdue University Statue Neil Armstrong Center

Purdue University Statue Neil Armstrong Center, Close up of Slide Rule.

Statue of Mathew Boulton (1728-1809), James Watt (1736-1819) and William Murdoch (1754-1839) studying
a plan of a steam engine designed by William Boyle on Broad Street in Birmingham, England. Boulton holds slide rule.

Boulton-Watt-Murdoch Statue. Birmingham,England. Close up of Boulton's slide rule.

World Almanac 1944, Book Ad Mathematics Made Simple
Row #28

Slide Rule Art by Jon Delorey

Slide Rule Art by Jon Delorey

From Popular Electronics - June 1958 Article about Electronic Computers
Full Article (1.4 MB PDF)

Popular Science Ad, May 1960, Wizard_adding_machine

Motorola Engineering Recruitment Ad - Mention of SR, but no image.
Row #29

Science Digest Cover, December 1960. Image of boy (child prodigy) getting a slide rule for Christmas.

Popular Science slide rule Ad

Heathkit Slide Rule Calculator Ad

Student Drawing (2001) Abucus Class www.buhniversum.de

rs-Vitrinen Und Demostab-gross (Musuem exhibit in Germany)
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Row #30

Three Capetian French scholars consulting an astrolabe, ca. AD 1200

Marlboro Ad with slide rule

Newspaper article about collector Walter Shawlee in Canada.

Cover to the German book Der Rechenstab und seine Verwendung (1970) by Dr.Helmar Lehmann.

German Mathematik Katalog (2006-2007) with slide rule teaching tools for math.
Row #31

The Life Explorer Vol 3 Issue 6 (2004) Asian Scientific Article on slide rules (1.18MB PDF)

Smart Investor Cover November 2002

Scientific American Article May 2006 When Slide Rules Ruled by Cliff Stoll (16.8MB PDF)

Pour La Science Article (French) Nov 2005 Slide Rule Extinction Programme by Noel Jouenne (3.98MB PDF)

Ad for Yaquinto's Attack of the Mutants game that used to run on the inside cover of most Marvel comics.(1980)
Row #32

Cleveland Institute of Electronics (CIE) Slide Rule Ad 1965 Popular Science Pg100

Auburn University "Engineers" decal showing slide rule on Tiger's hip. Cost $2.00. Donated By Amin Aur,
who purchased this in 2011 in the Univ Bookstore. He graduated in 1979 with a degree in Aerospace Engineering
He worked at General Dynamics, then joined the USAF and currently works at Southwest Airlines.

Convair Ad with Slide Rule, Mechanical Engineering Magazine, March 1957, (provided by Doug Harland)

Douglas Aircraft Ad with Slide Rule, Mechanical Engineering Magazine, June 1957, (provided by Doug Harland)

A.W. Faber-Castell Pencil Ad with Slide Rule, Mechanical Engineering Magazine, May 1964, (provided by Doug Harland)
Row #33

Chronomat Slide Rule Watch Ad, Wakmann Watch Co. of NYC. $110 in 1959, Modern Mechanix Feb 1959.

The Bat Rule Ad (1970) published in Superman's Girlfriend Lois Lane #105 with actual specimen in the National Baseball Hall Of Fame.

Ruxton Multi-Vider Slide Rule Pencil Flyer, c1928

Lawrence Secret Code Maker Box Cover (contributed by Kenneth Lewis)

Engineering Instruments Sales Brochure (1958) (contributed by David Rance UK)
Row #34

Archaic Tool, Walking out the door - Daily Times Herald, April-5-1984

Dietzgen Ad, "The Electronic Slide Rule", Scientific American.Feb 1973.

Popular Science Monthly Article "Spy Hunters Find Clews in Secret Codes" June 1938.

Article "Million Dollar Idea" in Mechanix Illustrated, June 1958.

Venus Perfect Drawing Pencils Ad with Slide Rule
Row #35

"What Makes An Engineer Happy" Motorola Ad in Scientific American magazine, Mar 1956.

News Release on a "Navigation Computer" in Modern Mechanix, Aug 1937.

K&E slide rule Archive Donated To M.I.T. Museum.

Study Table Clutter of an Aeronautical Engineering Student, 1971.

"Slidescape" sculptor by Leo Sewell, American Visionary Arts Museum, Baltimore, Maryland.
Row #36

Students Use Slide Rule (1941). Instructor Emerson L. Grindall demonstrates a computation to a section of a class. Michigan State University Archives And Historical Collections.

Drafting Student With Slide Rule (1947). Texas A&M,Cushing Memorial Library Archives.

Trig With Slide Rule. Avenal, CA (1947) Courtesy Of Mongrel Heart (Alias) On Flickr

Kris Ekerherd Studying With Slide Rule.Shy Anne And Sue (Cats). Alfred University (1961) Photo By George Lane

Comptometer being keyed (1914). The comptometer was the first commercially successful key-driven mechanical calculator (addition or subtraction), patented in the USA by Dorr E. Felt in 1887.
Row #37

Addometer Adding Machine Advertisement, Modern Mechanix, December 1947

Popular Science Dec 1942 pg9 Slide Rule Book Ad

Popular Science Sep 1943 pg35 Slide Rule Book Ad

Popular Science Nov 1939 pg1 Slide Rule Book Ad

Popular Science May 1971 pg136 Slide Rules You Make Yourself Review
Row #38

C.V. Ore S-M Slide Rule Ad, Popular Science, May, 1956 pg261, found by George Keane, Festus, Missouri.

Joe Miner, long time Mascot of the Missouri University Of Science And Technology (was Univ of Missouri-Rolla).

Joe Miner, long time Mascot of the Missouri University Of Science And Technology (was Univ of Missouri-Rolla).

Joe Miner, long time Mascot of the Missouri University Of Science And Technology (was Univ of Missouri-Rolla).
Note that the slide rule prop in these photos has a linear scale, not logarithmic like it should be.

Janis Lyn Joplin (1943-1970), famous rock singer, as a member of the Slide Rule Club when a Junior at
Thomas Jefferson High School in 1959, Port Aurthur, TX. From the 1959 TJHS Yearbook
Row #39

Janis Lyn Joplin (1943-1970), famous rock singer, shown with a slide rule. She was a member of the Slide Rule Club when a Junior at
Thomas Jefferson High School in 1959, Port Aurthur, TX. From the 1959 TJHS Yearbook

Slide Rule Club at Thomas Jefferson High School, Port Aurthur, TX. 1959 TJHS Yearbook, page 182,
showing Janis Lyn Joplin (1943-1970) holding a slide rule.

Pickett Slide Rule with Hew;ett Packard HP-35 'Slide Rule' Calculator, Popular Science Feb 1973 pg89

K&E Slide Rule shown with Hewlett Packard's 'Advanced Slide Rule' Calculator in 1972 HP-45 Owners Handbook page 6.

Slide Rule Sisters - Cincinnati Post (c1949) GE Engineers Pat Leary & Eleanor Sample.
Patricia joined GE as an engineering assistant in 1949. At the time, there were just 4,000 female engineers in the entire country, and no more than a handful at GE's aviation unit in Massachusetts. She started in a calculating pool, crunching J79 engine test data with a slide rule.
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Row #40

New Scientist Jan 27 and Dec 1, 1983. Slide Rules OK In Mozambique. An inititive to send thousands of forgotten slide rules to technical students in South Africa.

New Scientist Jun 23,1960 Blundell Slide Rule Ad

Dercks Trig Simple-Fyer Dial Ad. 1943

Ross Precision Computer Ad, Aerial Age Weekly,Vol 11, 15March1920

Pickett N909-ES Metric Conversion Retail Display, courtesy of Gary Rourke.
Row #41

Ruxton Multi-Vider Ad Popular Mechanics 1929 (See more in the SR Pencil Gallery

Ruxton Multi-Vider Ad Popular Science 1929

Kathleen Lynch, Bridge Engineer with Slide Rule, caWWII

An identification badge and a slide rule that belonged to Manhattan Project scientist Glenn Seaborg is part of the Paul Frame collection of atomic memorbilia. Seaborg developed the chemical process to extract plutonium from uranium and won the 1951 Nobel Prize in chemistry.

Wheat Ridge High School, Colorado. 1968 Yearbook Math Club. Contributed by Don and Cindy McCoy, Silverthorn, Colorado.
Row #42

"A World Without Engineers", Agilent Technologies promo.

Mathcraft Set Ad.Popular Science Nov 1961.

Lionel-Porter Mathcraft Expiremental Lab, post 1962. This set has an Engimeering Instruments slide rule, a a 1X4 13-digit Japanese abacus, a 4-digit Sterling Add-a-Matic adding machine, and drawings tools.(Carl Schwent collection)..

Porter Mathcraft Set with a Engimeering Instruments slide rule, an abacus,
and drawings tools. This 1961 version was prior to the Lionel-Porter merger.(2012 ebay auction)

Nevil Shute portrait with slide rule (bottom edge of frame) that he used as an engineer.
See more at the Nevil Shute Norway virtual museum.
Row #43

Fotos De La Fabricacion De Las Reglas Barbotheu, maquina reglas 1928 (Courtesy of regladecalculo.com)

Joe Soper, the former plant manager for K+E's Salisbury facility, created this display for the
Salisbury Historical Society, showing the history of the plant The most important slide rules that were
produced in the Lakeville Plant are shown..

Mural, by James Brooks, painted from 1939 to 1942, at the Marine Air Terminal at La Guardia
Airport in New York City, Shows slide rules in panel.

General Telephone And Electronics Ad With Slide Rule And

Tavernier-Gravet Slide Rule Ad 1922(Courtesy of regladecalculo.com)
Row #44

Albert Nestler Advertising Card Stamped 1928 (Courtesy of regladecalculo.com)

French Postmark With Electriciens Slide Rule 1965 (Courtesy of regladecalculo.com)

John Napier (1550-1617) commemorative Postage Stamp issued in Germany 2014. On letter sent by Klaus Kühn of Alling, Germany.

French company Marc, Slide Rule Ad 1932 (Courtesy of regladecalculo.com)

Keuffel & Esser 9-20-1957 Receipt for a K&E 4081-3 Decilog Slide Rule

Buergi Joost (1552-1632) Lichtensteig Switzerland, Invented Logaritms in 1614 at the same time as Napier, who published first.
Row #45

$1.25 Acumath Model 4 Ad from Acu-rule slide rule company.

Neil Armstrong's Pickett N600-T Slide Rule. Purdue Place In Space Exhibit

Purdue Libraries Archives and Special Collections is home to personal slide rules from six Purdue astronaut alumni. From 2004 to 2009, these calculation instruments are from Neil Armstrong, Jerry Ross, Roy Bridges, Eugene Cernan, Richard Covey and Guy Gardner.

Close up of negative of Pickett Artwork plates For Texas Speed Rule Slide Rules, courtesy of Gary Rourke.

Pickett Artwork plates For Texas Speed Rule Slide Rules, courtesy of Gary Rourke.
Row #46

Pickett Slide Rule Retail Display Carousel, courtesy of Gary Rourke.

Popular Science February 1939 Ad, D. Van Nostrand Slide Rule and Book Speed and Fun With Figures, by T. O'Conor Sloane, J.E. Thompson and H.E. Licks

Popular Mechanics September 1939 Ad, D. Van Nostrand Slide Rule and Book Speed and Fun With Figures, by T. O'Conor Sloane, J.E. Thompson and H.E. Licks

Popular Science September 1942 Ad, D. Van Nostrand Slide Rule and Book Speed and Fun With Figures, by T. O'Conor Sloane, J.E. Thompson and H.E. Licks

Popular Science September 1943 Ad, D. Van Nostrand Slide Rule and Book Speed and Fun With Figures, by T. O'Conor Sloane, J.E. Thompson and H.E. Licks
Row #47

Spanked With Slide Rule, National Lampoon Art Poster Book 1975 (Partial Nudity)

H.H. Robertson Co.Roofing Ad 1949 (Alamy Scan)

Article concerning Pickett, Arizona Daily Star -Tue Dec 16, 1980 (Courtesy of Doug Harland)

Article concerning Pickett, Arizona Republic - Mon Jun 10, 1974 (Courtesy of Doug Harland)

Article concerning Pickett, Arizona Daily Star - Sunday Feb 6, 1977 (Courtesy of Doug Harland)
Row #48

Article concerning Slide Rule Demise, The Philadelphia Inquirer - Sunday Nov 28, 1976 (Courtesy of Doug Harland)

Surplus slide rules (Charles W. James Photo), The Philadelphia Inquirer - Sunday Nov 28, 1976 (Courtesy of Doug Harland)

Article concerning Slide Rule Demise, Tampa Bay Times - Sun Sep 26, 1976 (Courtesy of Doug Harland)

Charlie and Lola in "Inventing Something Useful", CBeebies TV show in the UK. April 2017 (UKSRC SkidStick#57

Bell Atlantic Ad in New York Times, April 2, 1999 (UKSRC SkidStick#57)
Row #49

St Petersburg State Polytechnical Univ - Math Instruments Display

Peter F. Lotus Corp ad (Fortune Magazine April 1952)

Teledyne Post Acquisition announcement, Chicago Tribune, Sep 15,1968 Courtesy of Doug Harland

Teledyne Post Acquisition announcement, Marshfield News Herald, Dec 16, 1967 Courtesy of Doug Harland

Teledyne Post Acquisition announcement, The Evening Dec 12, 1967 Courtesy of Doug Harland
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Row #50

Abucus In The Classroom

"Cleaning SlideRule Cursor" Popular Mechanics, June1946

Gene Lowry Slide Rule Ad, Popular Mechanics, August1953

L.A. Times Buys Pickett, Inc. 1964

The NEW Lightning Calculator Co. Ad, 1922-12-23 The Literary Digest
Row #51

Western Gear Ad,with Slide Rule - Electronic Industries Magazine, Oct 1957

United Transformer Company Ad - Electronic Industries Magazine January 1945 pg74

Signal Range Calculator Slide Rule, Pioneer Elect Supply - Tel-Tech_January1953_

Aerovox Ad - Electronic Industries Magazine, October 1945

Tele-Tech Magazine Cover with Slide Rule, January 1953
Row #52

SOLA Transformers Ad - Electronic Industries Magazine, October 1945, pg173

Shure Reactance Slide Rule - Electronic Industries Magazine, Dec 1943, pg230

Reactance Slide Rule Article with CIE Ad, Sep 1967 pg93

Raytheon Ad - Electronic Industries Magazine,Sept 1944

Philco Corp Ad - Electronic Industries Magazine, January 1943,pg18
Row #53

IBM Ad with Abacus - Tele-Tech Magazine, April 1956

Hytron Tubes Ad - Electronic Industries Magazine, Sept 1945 pg113

Fesenthal And Sons Ad - Electronic Industries Magazine, Dec 1943 pg168

ESC Delay Lines, 'Ken' Holding Slide Rule - Electronic Industries, Oct 1957

ESC Delay Lines, 'Ken' Holding Slide Rule (Detail) - Electronic Industries Magazine, Oct 1957
Row #54

EICO Ad with slide rule - Electronics World Magazine Dec 1960

Dictionary Of Mathematical Data. Bernard's Radio Manuals, 1944 No35 Cover
Full Manual (PDF)

CREI Ad Shows Slide Rule, Electronics World Jan 1972

CIE Course Ad, Pickett Slide Rule, Electronics World June1967 pg13

CIE Course Ad, Pickett Slide Rule, Electronics World Jan1968 pg25
Row #55

CIE Course Ad, Pickett Slide Rule, Electronics World Jan1965 pg1

CIE Course Ad, Pickett Slide Rule, Electronics World Apr1967 pg7

Capitol Radio Engineering Institute Ad - Electronic Industries Magazine October 1945 pg176

Cambridge Thermionic Ad - Electronic Industries Magazine, Dec1943 pg237

AmeriTran Ad - Electronics Industries Magazine, Sep 1944 pg33
Row #56

Bell Labs Record June 1929, About a new KE Radio Slide Rule made for Bell Labs
Full 6 page Article

Bell Labs Record June 1939, pg38. About a KE Radio Slide Rule made for Bell Labs

K&E Ad - Electronics Magazine Nov 1953 pg62-63
Full Article

Shure Reactance Slide Rule Ad - Electronics Magazine April 194

Stancor Ad - Electronics Magazine, August1945
Row #57

School Of Industrial Technology Ad - Electronics Magazine Feb 1950

Stavid Engineering Employment Ad - Electronics Magazine Jan 1958 pg162

Flatto Mgt Co - Magnifying Cursor - Electronics Magazine Jan 1953

Sperry Ad - Electronics Magazine Mar 1959 pg79

Link Aviation Ad - Electronics Magazine March 1959 pg16
Row #58

K&E Ad - Electronics Magazine March 1947

Magnavox AD - Electronics Magazine June 1960

Magnavox AD - Electronics Magazine June 1960 Photo detail

Goodyear Aircraft Corp Ad - Electronics Magazine Nov 1953

Lear Inc Ad - Engineer flying On Slide Rule - ElectronicsMag_Nov1953
Row #59

El-MenCo Ad - Electronics Magazine Jan1947 pg167

Sorensen_Ad - Electronics Magazine Jan 1958 pg5

Karp Ad - Round Table With Engineers And Slide Rules - Electronics Mag Jan 1947

Ampex_Ad - Electronics Magazine Nov 1953

Radio Theory Work Out Your Own Maths Problems Radio And Hobbies, Jan 1944.
Full 4 page article
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Row #60

Hyde Optical Slide Rule Radio And Electronics Dec 1939

Slide Rule Ad - Radio And Television, July 1939 pg172

A New Era In Electronics - Radio And Hobbies, Jun 1954 pg4

Circular Slide Rule, A Reader Built It - RadioAndHobbies_Jan1946_pg32

Interstate Electronics Ad - Electronics Magazine, 29Nov1965 pg121
Row #61

Motorola-Recruitment_Ad - Electronics Magazine, 31May1965 pg165

K&E Slide Rule Ad - Electronics Magazine Oct 1944 pg3

CREI Capitol Radio Electronics Institute Ad - Electronics Magazine Aug 1946 pg252

MB MfgCo Ad - Electronics Magazine Aug1946 pg70

Synthane Plastics Ad - Electronics Magazine, Nov 1946 pg11 pg16
Row #62

Hytron Radio And Electronics Ad - Electronics Magazine, Nov 1946 pg11

General Instrument Corp Ad - Slide Rule In Logo - Communications Magazine January 1944

General Instrument Corp Ad - Slide Rule In Logo - Communications Magazine January 1944

Aerovox Corp Ad - Communications Magazine Dec 1939

Capitol Radio Engineering Institute Ad - Communications Magazine June1942
Row #63

Lenz Electric Mfg Co Ad - Communications Mag January 1942

Lenz Electric Mfg Co Ad - Communications Mag September 1942

General Radio Co Ad - Engine divided Logarithmic Dials - Communications Mag April 1942

General Radio Co Ad - Communications Mag November 1942

Engineering Instrument Slide Rule - 98cents - Electronics Illustrated Nov 1958
Row #64

Kalkometer ad - Sports Afield Dec 1958

CIE Be The Man - Electronics Slide Rule - Radio-Electronics Jan 1968

CIE Even If You've Never Had A Slide Rule - Radio-Electronics Sept 1967

CIE Look! Electronics Slide Rule June 1965

CIE Not Just A Slide Rule Radio-Electronics April 1967
Row #65

Geniac 66 inch Slide Rule Ad- Radio-Electronics June 1958

Nomorule - Radio-Electronics Mar-Apr 1967
Full Article (PDF)

The Midget Slide Rule Ad - Electrical Experimenter Jan 1920

Kon-Ver-Ter Slide Rule - Electronics Experimenter Jan 1920

"Dimensional Slide Rule" by A.B.Pikus - RCA-Engineer June 1976
Full Article (PDF)

The Electronic Technologist - RCA-Engineer Sep 1973
Row #66

"The Electrical Engineer At Work" article - Electrical Experimenter, January 1920

"The Consulting Engineer" Graphic - Electrical Experimenter, January 1920

Electricity You Can Learn - Electrical Slide Rule - Electrical Experimenter, Jan 1920

Engineering And Research Notes - RCA-Engineers, December 1968

"Radio Men Need The Slide Rule" By William Miller. Radio-Craft, February 1944
Row #67

Review of the National Union Radio Slide Rule.Radio-Craft, June 1938

"Slide-Rule Wire Data" by I. Queen. Radio-Craft, March 1948

"Radio And The Slide Rule" By William Miller. Radio-Craft, December 1943
Full Article

Reader inquiry on Cooke's Slide Rule availability. Radio-Craft. December 1942

"Cooke's Slide Rule" Response to inquiry Ffrom Nelson M Cooke Lieut.(JG) USN Anacostia Station, Washington, D.C.. Radio-Craft, January 1943
Row #68

"Slide Rule Calulation" by R.F.Sturrock of Edmonton, Canada. Reader Submit. Radio-Craft, October 1950

Practical Christmas Gifts. Gold Shield Products. Radio-Craft, Nov-Dec 1941

Exponential Rule by Louis R. Sklar. Radio-Craft, November 1932

Short-Cut Mathematics Course Ad. Radio-Craft, June 1944

"New Radio Slide Rule" Allied Radio Co Ad. Radio-Craft, March 1944
Row #69

Triad Protection For Servicemen. Engineers With Slide Rules. Radio-Craft, March 1933

Triad Protection For Servicemen. Engineers With Slide Rules. Radio-Craft, March 1933 detail

Lawrence Slide Rule Ad and Elementary Math Book Ad. Radio-Craft June 1945

Capitol Radio Engineering Institute Ad. Radio-Electronics, December 1948

Lawrence Slide Rules Ad. Radio-Craft, September1943
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Row #70

Allied Radio 1959 Catalog Ad, Slide Rule on Cover.,Radio-Electronics, April 1959

Allied Radio Catalog #180 Cover with Slide Rule

Allied Radio 1959 Catalog #180 Page293 lists Acu-Math Slide Rules

National Radio Institute Ad. Radio-Electronics, August 1963

Slide Rule Dials. Radio-Craft, May 1947
Row #71

CREI "Screwdriver Or Slide_Rule?" Radio-Craft, January 1946

Slide Rule Simplified Book Review. Radio-Craft, December 1943

Lawrence Slide Rule Ad. Radio-Craft, January 1943

Vacuum Tube Radio Engineer..Radio-Electronics, January 1964

Electro-Voice Ad, With Pickett Slide Rule. Radio-Electronics, July 1959
Row #72

Electro-Voice Ad With K&E Slide Rule. Radio-Electronics, January 1963

Equipment Report "Slide Rule For Electronics".by Wayne Lemmons. Radio-Electronics May 1965

CREI Edward W.Yeagle Ad. Radio-Electronics, July 1963

CREI Edward W. Yeagle Ad. Radio-Electronics, May 1963.

CREI Electronic Circuit Design College. Radio-Electronics, December 1973
Row #73

Westinghouse V.W. Palen "One And Three Phase Loss Calculator"

Mallory Co. Ad - Electronics Mag January 1938

Hytron Vacuum Tubes Ad - FM Magazine, July 1945

Post Slide Rule section in the Allied Electronics 1970 Catalog Pg256

Dietzgen Slide Rule listed in the Allied Electronics 1942 Catalog Pg190
Row #74

Teledyne Post Slide Rules listed in the Olson Electronics 1974 Catalog Page 124

Olson (Ricoh) Slide Rules listed in the Olson 1968 Catalog Page 34
Full Page

Lafayette Vectorlog Slide Rule listed in the Lafayette 1968 Catalog

Lafayette Slide Rules in the 1971 Lafayette Catalog No710 Page 305

Lafayette Slide Rules in the 1972 Lafayette Catalog No720 Page307
Row #75

Goodman Vibration Generator Ad, shows Unique Slide Rule, UK - Electronic-Engineering(UK) June 1954

Wrought Washer Mfg. Ad for Washer Weight Slide Rule. Radio-Engineering Sep 1936

"Slide Rule Settings For Electronic Circuit Problems" - Radio-Engineer Feb 1937

"The Linebackers", Engineer holding slide rule. Comm-Scope CATV, Broadcast Management Engineering, May 1969

FM Magazine Cover, December 1941
Row #76

Lenz Electric Co Ad - FM Magazine Jul-Aug 1942

Parker-Kalon Ad. Journal of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE). Oct 1930

Varieties Of Slide Rule.The Builder, June 1906
Full Article

Complex Quantity Slide Rule. Journal Of The AIEE, Feb 1925
Full Article

Readers Forum Banner. Shows Slide Rule. Radio-Engineering July 1927
Row #77

Pickett & Eckel Announce release of Deci-Point Slide Rule. Radio-News March 1946

Radio Shack Ad. Features Charles Bruning 10inch Mannheim Slide Rule. Radio-News, September 1955

Stancor Reactance Slide Rule (Slide Chart) for $1. Radio-News, August 1945

IIT Armour Tech News Trigonograph Slide Rule Article 12 December 1933

IIT Armour Tech News Slide Rule Operation, "Guessing Stick" Nov 5, 1935
Row #78

IIT Technology News, 3rd Annual Slide Rule Bowl, Dec 8. 1950. Not about slide rules, but touch footbal played by slide rukle engineering students

IIT Armour Tech News - Slide Rule Tricks, Nov 12, 1935

IIT Armour Tech News - "Ban Slide Rules" Parody April 6, 1937

IIT Armour Tech News "Prof Charles O. Harris Lecture On Slide Rules" mentions LARGE SLIDERULE. March 1,1938

IIT Armour Tech News "Prof Charles O. Harris Lecture On Slide Rules" mentions LARGE SLIDERULE. March 8,1938
Row #79

"Rifles Or Slide Rules" - IIT Technology News, April 22, 1941

"Slide Rule Etiquete" and Selective Service Article, IIT Tech News Jan 19, 1943

Review of New Book Slide Rule Simplified by Charles O. Harris Professor of mechanics at Illinois Tech (IIT). October 4, 1943

IIT Tech News - Bookstore Slide Rule Sale. June 5, 1944

IIT Technology News "Slipstick Section" Jokes and humor. October 4, 1943
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Row #80

IIT Tech News - Bookstore Slide Rule Sale. June 5, 1944

IIT Tech News - Slipstick Joke Section. June 5, 1944

IIT Tech News - Bookstore Slide Rule Sale And Sliptick Section. May 21, 1946

IIT Tech News - Lost And Found. Nov 13, 1953

IIT Tech News - Slide Rule Course With Large Scale Slide Rule. March 21, 1952
Row #81

IIT Tech News - Slide Rule Course With Large Scale Slide Rule Oct 5, 1951

IIT Tech News - Vought Aircraft Ad. November 2, 1956

SENCO Radio Inc Ad. Radio Vacuum Tube Prices. - Radio News, May 1950

Shure Brothers Ad. Reactance Slide Rule - Radio News, February 1943

"Slide Rule Short Cuts" by W.P.Miller - Classified Ad - Radio News, March 1947
Row #82

Sprague Products - Capacitor Selection Slide Rule - Radio News, May 1954

"Using The Slide Rule For Radio Communications" by W.M.Chalmers.- Radio News.January 1938

Shure Microphones Ad. "Reactance Slide Rule" and "Wanted Signal Corps Equipment" - Radio News.December 1943

Book Review "A Manual Of TheS lide Rule"by J.E.Thompson. - Radio News, Feb 1942

"Slide Rule Or Screwdriver?" CREI Ad - Radio News, September 1944
Row #83

"Slide Rule Or Screwdriver?" CREI Ad. - Radio News, June 1945

TAB "Thats-A-Buy" Ad.Circular Slide Rule. 6in Bruning for 39cents - Radio News, February 1951

"Short-Cut Mathematics" Nelson Co. Ad - Radio News, October 1943

Engineering Students Abandon Slide Rules For Calculators" - Amarillo-Globe-Times, April 21,1976

"Slide Rule Presented To Amarillo Student" - National Engineers Week - Amarillo-Globe-Times, 25 Feb 1960
Row #84

"Calculators Sending Slide Rule To Pasture" - Amarillo-Globe-Times 08 Dec 1976

Technical Book Review "Linear Scale Non-Logarithmic Slide Rules" By Morris L. Groder - Radio News, May 1953

TAB 'Thats-A-Buy' Ad. Circular Slide Rule and 6in Bruning for 39cents. Radio News, December 1949

Gold Shield Products "Manheim Pocket Slide Rule (wood)" Ad - Radio News, December 1939

Gold Shield Products Ad "New Trig 10inch Slide Rule" - Radio News, June 1944
Row #85

"Short-Cut Mathematics" Nelson Co Ad - Tavella Sales - Radio News, November 1944

STANCOR Multi-Slide Rule Announcement - Radio News, August 1945

Multi-Slide Instrument Corp Ad - MIT TheTech, 30 November 1945

Seven Co Ad "Manheim Pocket Slide Rule (Stainless Steel Back)" - Radio News, July 1938

Tavella Sales Ad "Mascot Slide Rule" - Radio News, December 1945
Row #86

Coca-Cola Ad With Slide Rule - MIT The Tech, 4 March 1941

Air Force ROTC Slide Rule In Pocket Of Lab Coat - MIT The Tech, 26 July 1977

MIT Cambridge The Tech "Slipstick Necessary To Tech Life" 16 December 1938

MIT Tech Talk - Samuel Pepys Diary Quote - 29 November 1938 "I was first to use the word 'Slide Rule'"

IIT Technology News "How To Operate A Slide Rule" Parody - 4 October 1928
Row #87

IIT Technology News "Your Father's Mustache Party & Slide Rule Contest" - 12 December 1969

IIT Technology News "Lost A Slide Rule Lately?" Lost And Found - 8 May 1964

IIT Technology News "I Was A Teenage Slide Rule" - 15 November 1963

MIT "Slide Rule Cheer" - The Tech, 6 October 1939

MIT The Tech "Prof Crout Will Deliver Slide Rule Lectures" 26 September 1939
Row #88

MIT The Tech - K&E How To Choose Slide Rule Ad - 4 October 1940

MIT The Tech - K&E How To Choose Slide Rule Ad - 8 October 1940

MIT The Tech - K&E How To Choose Slide Rule Ad - 11 October 1940

MIT The Tech - K&E How To Choose Slide Rule Ad - 18 October 1940

MIT The Tech Cartoon Slips tick Initiation - 1October1940
Row #89

Ohmite Mfg Co OhmsLaw Calculator, Radio News January 1941

Drakes Practical Books on Slide Rule, Etc. Radio News Feb 1945

Titan Slide Rule - Precision Inst Co Ad Radio News, October 1945

Reed Mfg Co Ad. Quick Trig Sine Circle Slide Rule. Radio News, August 1946

CIRE Ad New Opportunities - Radio News, August 1946

Slide Rule Calculator Chip, MOS C596- WirelessWorld, May 1975
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Row #90

Book Review "Mathematics For Radio And Electronics Technicians" By Dr. Ing. Fritzbergtold - Wireless World, May 1967

Book Review: "Using The Slide Rule In Electronics Technology" By E. Charles Alvarez - Wireless World, February 1963

Davis-Martin Wireless Slide Rule Ad - Wireless World, September 1917

"DB Conversion On The Slide Rule" By R. A. Scott - Wireless World, April 1975

"Dynamic Symmetry" 'Slipstick' Reference - Wireless World. October 1937
Row #91

L-C_Electronics Slide Rule - Key Electronics - Wireless World, February 1975

Whats New In Radio, Tavella Circular Slide Rule - Radio News, December 1935

"Vector Addition And The Slide Rule" Letters To The Editor - Wireles World, March 1955

Wireless Slide Rule from Wireless World, February 1922

Wireless Slide Rule Ad from Wireless World, March 1922

"Logarithms And Slide Rule For Practical Use" Ad by E. W. Banhagel. Ziff-Davis. Radio News, December 1949
Row #92

"Logarithms And Slide Rule For Practical Use" Ad by E. W. Banhagel. Ziff-Davis. Radio News, December 1949

Coil Winding Calculator - Allied Radio Ad - Radio News, March 1944

Extending Allied Coil Winding Calculator Range by Elbert Robberson.Radio And Television News, September 1954

Lawrence Slide Rules Ad. WWII War Period - Radio News, August 1943

Ohmite Resistance Units Slide Rule - Radio News, March 1941
Row #93

International Time Conversion Slide Rule - Radio News, January 1934

Caliputer Slide Rule With Calipers. Radio Constructor, August 1969

"Using A Slide Rule" By P.J. LeRiche. Radio Constructor,December 1965

"The Paristor" Parallel Resistor And Series Capacitor Calculator. Radio Constructor, April 1962

Alsynco Engineering Slide Rule Ad - Radio-TV-Experimenter Index, Feb 1965
Row #94

Cal-Tape Retractable Slide Rule Ad - Radio-TV-Experimenter, Feb-Mar 1967

Cleveland Institute of Electronics Ad "Join The Troubleshooters" (Man holding slide rule in right hand)- Radio-TV-Experimenter June-July 1967

Cleveland Institute of Electronics Ad "Join The Troubleshooters" (Man holding slide rule in right hand) - Science And Electronics (Previously Radio-TV-Experimenter) Oct-Nov 1968

Radio Shack "Math Mile Computer" Ad Radio-TV-Experimenter, June-July 1968

"Imagineering Design Tips" Column in Radio-TV-Experimenter, Aug-Sep 1967
Row #95

Rola Co. Loudspeakers Ad. Slide Rule On Desk - Radio Science Magazine, Australia, August 1943

Flik-O-Disk Ohms Law Calculating Slide Rule - Practical-Wireless Magazine, December 1940,

Kon-Ver-Ter, Two Sided Slide Rule by J.C.Hamilton Ad (the only ad that shows both sides) - Electric Experimenter Magazine July, 1919

Kon-Ver-Ter Slide Rule. J.C.Hamilton Ad and Arcascope L.J.Leishman Ad, Electrical Experimenter Magazine, August 1919

Kon-Ver-Ter Slide Rule. J.C.Hamilton Ad - Science And Invention Magazine, September 1924
Row #96

Richardson's Polyphase Slide Rule. Gilson Slide Rule Co. Ad - Science And Invention Magazine, March 1920

Richardson's Polyphase Slide Rule. Gilson Slide Rule Co. Ad - The Electrical Experimenter Magazine, March 1920

Ve-Po-Ad C.M.Cleary Ad - Science And Invention Magazine, May 1931

Burgess Electrical School Slide Rule. Electrical Experimenter Magazine, December 1919

Burgess Electrical School And Slide Rule Ads. Electrical. Magazine, October 1919
Row #97

Baby Calculator Sales Adding Machine - Science And Invention Magazine, August,1925

"Coding System" Article application for slide rules. - Science And Invention Magazine, March 1930

Machine Shop Work By Turner And Perrigo, Book Review - Science And Invention Magazine, March 1931

Otis King 88inch Cylindrical Slide Rule showm in "For Your Home" page in Science And Invention Magazine, September 1929.

Otis King Cylindrical Slide Rule Ad. Carbic. Radio Constructor Magazine June, 1966
Row #98

Gilson Midget Slide Rule First Version built with Woodbase And Metal cursors. - Electrical Experimenter Magazine, May 1917

Gilson Midget Slide Rule First Version built with Woodbase And Metal cursors. - Electrical Experimenter Magazine, June 1917

Gilson Midget Slide Rule Ad - Radio News, July 1921

Midget Five-in-One Slide Rule - Gilson Slide Rule Co. Ad - Science And Invention Magazine, September 1924

Midget Binary Slide Rule Ad. Gilson Slide Rule Co. Stuart, Florida (this ad reflects the move from Niles, Michigan to Florida) - Science And Invention Magazine, January 1929
Row #99

Mullard Electronics Products Ad - Australian Radio And Electronics Magazine, March 1951

Radio Theory "Work Out Your Own Maths Problems" - Radio And Hobbies Magazine, January 1944

Planning On Being An Electronic Engineer? by Forrest H. Franz, Sr. Physics Dept. Mississippi State College. Popular Electronics, June 1955

Technology Trends Co. Calculator Ad. Melcor and Sinclair Models. Popular Electronics, December 1975

Engineering Instruments (Lawrence) Slide Rule at 98 cents each. Nelson-Hall Ad. Popular Electronics, April 1958
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Row #100

T-C Slide Chart. Sprague Products Ad. Popular Electronics, January 1955

A Slide Rule Is An Analog Computer. Popular Electronics, June 1958

Lithocalculator Co. Ad, Circular Slide Rule. Popular Electronics, August 1955

Otis King Cylindrical Slide Rule. Arthur F. Smith Ad. Popular Electronics August 1957

University BookStore Pickett Slide Rule Ad - The Michigan Daily,October 1970
Row #101

Ulrich's Bookstore Sale, Post Versalog and Pickett Vector Slide Rules - The Michigan Daily, March 1971

Horizons Lab Report (Slide Rule In Banner) Video Communications Journal, April 1963

Dietzgen Micromatic Slide Rule Ad - The Michigan Daily, September1958
Original Page

Ulrich's Bookstore. K&E Instruments Ad. - The Michigan Daily, September 1958
Original Page

Ulrich's Bookstore. K&E JetLog_Decitrig Ad. - The Michigan Daily, September 1959
Original Page
Row #102

Busch Beer Ad Head For The Mountains Shows Slide Rules. The Michigan Daily, November 1978
Original Page

Sheehan And Co. Students Bookstore Log Log Slide Rule $7. The Michigan Daily, Feruary 1911
Original Page

Slide Rule Sundae, 50% Off. The Little League U of M.The Michigan Daily_February 1980
Original Page

Addiator Ads, 1958-1959. Büromarkt

Addiator Ad 1957 Buchhaltung
Row #103

Harrison Hoge Ind. Arithma Addiator Ad.

Reo Motor Car Co., Lansing, Michigan - Truck Performance Slide Rule, Copyright 1933

Otis King Ad Practical - Electronics 1968 Nov

Military Type F-2 Interpretation Kit T.O.No. 10-1-85 with Slide Rule Stock No. 8900-426860.
The F-2 kit contains equipment necessary for field photo interpretation, which may be used as a stereoscope, a height finder, or a measuring device.

Harrison Home Products Ad. Addiator-FaberCastell Slide Rule. The Charette Journal. June 1959
Row #104

Mastic Tile Corp Ad "What's the R.P.M. of a Schoolboy?" The American Institute of Architects (AIA) Journal Feb 1957

Pencil Over Transistor With Slide Rule c1949 Encyclopedia Brittanica

Otto Eisenhardt's Slide Rule in Display of White Sands Missile Range Museum

The Michigan Technic 1949 Cover, Slide Rule On Student's Bed

The Michigan Technic. Nov, 1961 "What Careers are open to me?" Allied Chemical Ad
Row #105

The Michigan Technic Oct, 1957 Western Electric two Page Ad

The Michigan Technic Nov, 1961 Article On Transistors

The Michigan Technic Nov, 1960 Monsanto Ad

The Michigan Technic Nov, 1957 Union Carbide Ad

The Michigan Technic Nov, 1949 Climax Molybdenum Ad
Row #106

The Michigan Technic Nov, 1947 Square-D Ad Pocket Slide Rule

The Michigan Technic Nov, 1946 Timken Bearing Ad

The Michigan Technic Nov, 1946 Federal Radio Ad

The Michigan Technic Nov, 1945 S.S. White Dental Ad

The Michigan Technic Nov, 1944 Cover. Skeleton Holding Sliderule
Row #107

The Michigan Technic May, 1957 Temco Aviation Ad

The Michigan Technic May, 1957 Garrett Corp Ad

The Michigan Technic May, 1951 Cover. Engineering Student Studying By A Tree

The Michigan Technic May, 1948 Cover. Student With Slide Rule, Thinking About Baseball

The Michigan Technic May, 1945 Cover. Slide Rule Ball, Men In Uniform
Row #108

The Michigan Technic Mar, 1958 Lind Union Carbide Ad

The Michigan Technic Mar, 1958 Bell Telephone Ad

The Michigan Technic Jan, 1957 General Motors Ad

The Michigan Technic Jan, 1948 Westinghouse Ad

The Michigan Technic Jan, 1948 Univ Of Mich, College Of Engineering Classroom Ad
Row #109

The Michigan Technic Feb, 1962 Western Electric Ad

The Michigan Technic Feb, 1960 Western Electric Ad

The Michigan Technic Feb, 1960 Linde Union Carbide Ad

The Michigan Technic Feb, 1948 Standard Oil Ad

The Michigan Technic Dec, 1961 Allied Chemical Ad
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Row #110

The Michigan Technic Dec, 1951 Hughes Aircraft Ad

The Michigan Technic Dec, 1951 Boeing Aircraft Ad

The Michigan Technic Dec, 1944 Licking Slipstick Initiation Goodyear Ad

The Michigan Technic Apr, 1957 Temco Aviation Ad

The Michigan Technic Apr, 1957 Boeing Aviation Ad
Row #111

The Michigan Technic Apr, 1948 Cover. Slide Rule Ball

The Michigan Technic Apr, 1944 Cylindrical Slide Rule Used In Testing. Allegheny Ludlum Corp Ad

The Michigan Technic Apr, 1944 Campus Section

The Michigan Technic 1949 Westinghouse Ad

The Michigan Technic Nov, 1957 Student Pens Letter
Row #112

Pickett Pocket Catalog showing demonstration slide rule

Felsenthal Instruments Company Ad, 1968

Felsenthal Plastic Ad. Flying Magazine 1944

Felsenthal Plastic Ad. Flying Magazine Maay 1944 showing Navy aircraft

Felsenthal Plastic Ad. Flying Magazine January 1944 showing B-17 aircraft
Row #113

Classroom Size Dalton Dead Reckoning Computer With Lester Felsenthal of G.Felsenthal & Sons. 1941

Felsenthal Plastics Ad. Flying Magazine July 1969

Felsenthal Plastics Ad. Flying Magazine Sept 1944 showing B-29 Bomber

Felsenthal Plastic Ad. Flying Magazine 1944 F4 and P38 Fighters

Aircraft navigation console showing slide rule
Row #114

Jason 1967 Catalog Page 230 Slide Rules Section Scan By Jorge Lemaitre

Jason 1967 Catalog Page 230 Slide Rules Section Scan By Jorge Lemaitre

Radio Shack 1949 Cat pg070 Ohms Law Calculator

Radio Shack 1949 Cat pg072 Shure Resistance Calculator

Radio Shack 1949 Cat pg105 Lightning Calculators
Row #115

Radio Shack 1951 Cat pg062 Ohms Law Slide Rule

Radio Shack 1952 Cat pg072 Ohms Law Slide Rule

Radio Shack 1953 Cat pg086 Ohms Law Slide Rule

Radio Shack 1954 Cat pg082 Ohms Law Slide Rule

Radio Shack 1955 Cat pg079 Ohms Law Slide Rule
Row #116

Radio Shack1957Cat pg 208 Micronta Slide Rule

Radio Shack 1960 Cat pg109 Micronta Slide Rules

Radio Shack 1961 Cat pg151 Ohmite Slide Rules

Radio Shack 1962 Cat pg310_ Micronta Slide Rules

Radio Shack 1963 Cat pg190 Draft-A-Plan
Row #117

Radio Shack 1963 Cat 190 Micronta, Pickett, Concise Slide Rules

Radio Shack 1964 Cat pg128 Micronta, Pickett, Concise, Otis King Slide Rules

Radio Shack 1964 Cat pg147 Ohms Law Slide Rule

Radio Shack 1965-A Cat pg110 Pickett Slide Rules

Radio Shack 1966 Cat 113 Sterling Slide Rules and Addiator
Row #118

Radio Shack 1967 Cat pg086 Ohms Law Slide Rule

Radio Shack 1967 Cat pg135 Sterling and CThru Slide Rules

Radio Shack 1968 Cat pg110 Sterling and CThru Slide Rules and MagicBrain Addiator

Radio Shack 1969 Cat pg062 Sterling and CThru Slide Rules and MagicBrain Addiator

Radio Shack 1970 Cat pg108 MagicBrain Addiator - No more mentions of slide rules after 1971
Row #119

Radio Shack 1971 Cat pg107 MagicBrain Addiator - No more mentions of slide rules after 1971 Electronic Slide rules calutator began sold in 1974 in the Calculatiors gallery.

Daily Camera May 2, 1996 - Slide Rule Heyday By Richard Chin

"Nur Narren rechen nicht" (Only Fools Do Not Reckon) Advertising Art c1975 by Horst Boellengraben 1926-1997

Boys Life Magazine. Official publication of the Boy Scouts of America, Jan 1934, Indeco Slide Rule Ad

A.W. Faber Catalogue c1909 - For Demonstration puposes,Slide-rules were produced 8-times the original size
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Row #120

Boys Life Magazine. Official publication of the Boy Scouts of America, Feb 1966, Frederick Post Slide Rule Ad

Slide Rule Insert Found In Book. Concepts of Nuclear Chemistry by Reinhold. Contributed By Mark Rowley

Wizard Calculating Machine Ad, May 1959 German maker.

Scientific Publishing "TheMechanica lEngineer" 1909 ad

Scientific Publishing "TheMechanica lEngineer" 1901 ad
Row #121

Class Of 1965 Yearbook cover Slide Rule University Of Manitoba, Canada. (See interior photos in People wSRs Gallery)

Class Of 1967 Yearbook cover Slide Rule University Of Manitoba, Canada. (See interior photos in People wSRs Gallery)

Class Of 1965 Yearbook cover Slide Rule University Of Manitoba, Canada. pg 21 (See interior photos in People wSRs Gallery)

Popular Science March 1956 Ad - Crawford Engineering of Joanna, South Carolina. Recruiting college students to sell German slide rules and drafting instruments..

Popular Mechanics Dec 1962 - Lewis M. Crawford And Sons Joanna, S.C. Ad for Complete line of slide rules.

Slide Rule Yearbok, University Of Manitoba Canadaa Apr 1959 - Royal Canadian Air Force Ad
Row #122

Slide Rule Yearbok, University Of Manitoba Canada Mar 1956 pg23 - Hughes-Owens Ad

Slide Rule Yearbok, University Of Manitoba Apr 1959 Kip Kelly Lmt. Congrats to Graduates

University Of Toronto Skule Yearbook 1960 pg52 - K&E Jetlog Ad

University Of Toronto Skule Yearbook 1958 pg2 - Combined Enterprises Ad

University Of Toronto Skule Yearbook 1958 pg95 - Avro Aircraft Ad
Row #123

Colorado State University CSU Rocky Mountain Collegian, Fort Collins, Colorado Oct23-1953 - Boeing Aircraft Ad

University Of Toronto SkuleYearbook 1975 pg4 - Engineering Society Index

Olson Electronics Catalog 1968 pg34 Slide Rule Section (See Calcuator Gallery for other Olson Catalog Pages).

Curta Postage Stamp Antonio H.Medina Sanabria

Denver Post May 2, 1996 Slide Rule Heyday By Richard Chin
Row #124

Ealing Optical Services 1969 Ad

Radio Shack 1953 Cat086 Ohms Law Slide Rule (Courtesy of RadioSchackCatalogs.com)

NJIT 1925 Kem LecMek Yearbook - "Love Life Of An Engineering Student" Poem College Of Engineering. pg54

The American Jewish World Volume 63 Number 16, December 13, 1974 Texas Instruments Electronic Slide Rule Calculators Ad.

Aristo Slide Rule Stand, shown in May, 1962 catalog. Good for one-handed operation for the handicapped.
Row #125

YMCA, Harlem, New York City. 1904 K&E Ad

YMCA, 22 Brougham street, Sunderland, UK. 1905-6 Winter Classes Prospectus with a Wilkinson & Co Ad Listing Slide Rules

Colorado State University Rocky Mountain Collegian September 18, 1959 - K&E Slide Rule Ad.

Weems & Plath Tyler Circular Slide Rule - Electronic Design magazine, V14-N13, May 2, 1966.Design Aids Column

Michigan Technic Dec,1948 pg31 - McGraw-Hill Ad Showing Slide Rule
Row #126

The LOG Magazine Cover - May 17,1946. Drawing of Navy Cadet With Slide Rule dreaming of anything but studying.

TASCO Arithimometer Adding Machine sold by Tavella Sales - Popular Science Jan, 1948 - pg34

Reliable Typewriter Adding Machine Popular Science - Jan, 1948 - pg60

Carnegie- "The Technical" Newsletter Page 8, - K&E Ad Sep. 23, 1959

Carnegie Technical "Tartan" Vol.2 No.21 Page 5, - Slide Rule Poem, 1908-02-19
Row #127

Carnegie Technical Vol.19 No.2 Page 40, - K&E Slide Rule Ad, 1954-12

Carnegie Technical "Tartan" Vol.35 No.2 Page 4. - K&E Ad. "Your Slide Rule Is In The Army Now", Sep 23, 1941

Carnegie Technical "Tartan" Vol.12 No.3 Page 4.- Dietzgen Slide Rule Ad. 1917-10-03

Carnegie Technical "Tartan" Vol.11 No.8 Page 3.- Dietzgen Slide Rule Ad. 1916-11-08

Carnegie Technical Vol.18 No.2 Page 57. - K&E Slide Rule Ad. 1953-11
Row #128

Carnegie Technical "Tartan" Vol.1 No.11 Page 6. - Koh-i-noor Slide Rule Ad.1907-01-16

Carnegie Technical Vol.4 No.1 Page 45. Dietzgen Langsner Industrial Slide Rule Review 1939-09 cropped

Carnegie Technical "Tartan" Vol.42 No.13 Page 7. Pickett Slide Rule Ad.1949-01-12

Carnegie Technical "Tartan" Vol.42 No.13 Page 7. - Pickett Slide Rule Ad. 1949-01-12 cropped

Carnegie Technical Vol.15 No.2 Page 40. - General Electric Ad. Find Three Slide Rules In Graphic. 1950-11
Row #129

Power-Speed Calculator ad Hot Rod Magazine June 1967

Electronics magazine 1944-09-OCR-Page 252 - Rotating Slide Rule

Electronic Industries magazine 1960-07-Page 88 - Westinghouse Filter Slide Rule

Electronic Industries magazine 1945 May IDX-48 - K&E Slide Rule Ad.

Electronics magazine 1947 - K&E Slide Rule Ad
Row #130

Electronic Design magazine V16-N03-1968 - 'Design Aids' Column Showing Otis King Cylindrical Slide Rule

Electronic Design magazine V18-N06-1970 'Design Aids' Circular Communications Slide Rule And Liner Transmission Slide Rule

Electronic Design magazine V14-N22-1966 'Design Aids' Features C-Thru Circular Slide Rule And AC Power Slide Rule

Electronic Industries magazine 1959-04 'New Products' Features Faber-Castell Slide Rule With Addiator, Harrison Products

Electronic Design magazine V15-N04-1967 'Design Aides' Features Several Slide Charts And Calculators
Row #131

Electronics magazine 1957-03 - Borg Equp Micropot Ad - Electronic Slide Rule Circuitry

Electronics magazine 1953-11 - K&E Slide Rule Promo Ad

Electronics magazine 1953-01_P.E.G. - Generic Duplex Slide Rule Magnifier, FLATTO Mtg Co.

Electronic Industries magazine 1943-06 Benjamin B. Bauer, Inventor Of The Shure Brothers Reactance Slide Rule

Electronics magazine 1936-05 pg50. - Continental-Diamond Ad Showing Logarithmic Slide Rule Radio Dials
Row #132

Electronics magazine 1939-01 - Transmission Line Calculator Circular Slide Rule

Ken+Add Machine Co. 1950-10-05 Chicago Tribune Ad

Ken+Add Machine Co 1952-02 Business Education World Ad

Ken Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. 1956-04 The Arithmetic Teacher Ad

Produx Calculator 1936 catalog pages
Row #133

Moscow Museum Of Cosmonautics exhibit. Slide rules used by Chief Designer S.P. Korolev, Deputy Chief Designer B.E. Chertok,
and Deputy Chief Designer V.P. Mishin. . Photo provided by Dr. Keith M. Brandt

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Row #137


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Contribution from sources
In the ISRM curator's quest of ephemera, he would like to acknowledge the many on-line sources that these images are mined from. Many individual contributors are noted by their spefic images.
- Peter Hopp, UKSRC - Skidstick publication, People with slide rules
- Life Magazine
- American Radio history
- High School and College Yearbooks
- Oughtred Society members - Journal of the Oughtred Society
- RCA-Engineer - internal company magazine
- Westinghouse Engineer - internal company magazine
- Radio Electronics magazine
- Radio Craft Magazine
- Radio News Magazine
- Communications Magazine
- Electronics Illustrated Magazine
- Electrical Experimenter Magazine
- Science and Invention Magazine
- Radio-Engineer Magazine
- F.M. Magazine - for FM Radio Stations
- A.I.E.E. Journal
- The Builder Magazine
- Armour Technology News Armour Technical Institute
- Illinois Institute of Technology, IIT Technology News
- Wireless World (Uk) Magazine
- Radio-Constructor Magazine
- Radio-TV-Experimenter Magazine
- Science and Electronics Magazine
- Practical-Wireless Magazine
- Popular Electronics Magazine
- The Michigan Daily Digital Archives University of Michigan
- Elementary Electronics Magazine
- periodpaper.com
- Michigan Technic - College of Engineering Publication, University of Michigan.
- Wayback Machine website
- Boys Life Magazine - Publication of the Boy Scouts of America
- Carnegie-Mellon Digital Library (Carnegie Institute of Technology Thistle 1941-1969)
- Jaap's Mechanical Calculator Page.