The first Acu-Rule catalog, 1939, listed four slide rules for sale.

No. 10J

Made of kiln-dried, seasoned hardwood stained mahogany color and finished with clear lacquer.  Indicator (Cursor ) metal frame, flat 1/8" beveled edge.  Lucite lens with red hair-line Packed in individual boxes. Weight approx. 22 lb... (Per gross) Packed 3, 6 and 12 doz. Price per gross $18.00

No. 10D

Made of kiln-dried, seasoned hardwood stained mahogany color and finished with clear lacquer.  Has 10 inch scale on edge of rule. Indicator (Cursor ) metal frame, with Lucite magnifying lens, red hair-line. Packed in individual carrying case.. Weight approx. 25 lb.. per gross. Packed 3, 6 and 12 doz. Price per gross $21.00

No. 50

Made of kiln dried genuine mahogany wood, finished with clear lacquer.  Has inch scale on one edge and millimeter scale on other edge of rule. Indicator (Cursor) made of Lucite.  Packed in individual carrying case.  Packed 12 rules to a counter display box.  Weight approx. 25 lb... per gross. Packed 3, 6 and 12 doz.  Price per gross $36.00

No. 100

Made of kiln dried genuine mahogany wood, finished with clear lacquer. Indicator (Cursor) made of Lucite. Auxiliary, removable "magnifyer" with pins to fit cursor. Has inch scale on one edge and millimeter scale on other edge of rule. Sine, log and tangent scales on back of rule.  Packed in individual carrying case.  Packed 12 rules to a counter display box.  Weight approx. 25 lb... per gross. Packed 3, 6 and 12 doz.  Price per gross $72.00